Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 42: February 11, 2012

Another Saturday, another four basketball games.

While I love watching Lexi and Jake play basketball, it gets to be a bit much for the little girls. I worry that after watching so many games, they won't want to play when they're finally old enough.

So I pack a giant backpack full of stuff to keep them busy: crayons, coloring books, Barbies, video games, snacks.

But it's never enough.

During the last game of the day, both girls had had enough. I wasn't sure they were going to make it through the whole game.

But then they surprised me.

Morgan found a pack of gum, which kept her busy the entire second half.

Lizzy started watching the game, and actually enjoyed it. I even heard her cheering for Jake a couple of times!

Her cheering must have worked because Jake's team finally won!

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