Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 208: July 26, 2012

Morgan loves to dress herself.
She picks out her own outfit everyday and I've quit arguing - honestly, as long as she has clothes on, I don't care if they match.
Choose your battles.
That said, I might need  to make time to get rid of the clothes that no longer fit...
Today's outfit begs the question: "Does this tutu make my butt look big?"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 207: July 25, 2012

Free day at the Elks Pool!
We totally stumbled upon this.. but I'm so glad Sheena called and told me!
The girls had a blast....
Being the youngest of four, Morgan has never really had any fear. She's always figured someone will be there to catch/save her.
Tonight, she proved just how <em>not</em> scared of the water she is.
Oh my.
Thank goodness for lifeguards, friends, and complete strangers.
I can't be mad at her though - check out the look of pure happiness on her face as she ran from the fountains to the pool!
This girl loves life and lives each day to the fullest - I hope she never loses that joy!