Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38: February 7, 2012

Ever have one of those days that goes absolutely nothing like you planned?

That was my day today.

Or should I say that is my day today, since it is, unfortunately, far from over.

I still have three hours worth of work I'd really like to get done tonight (so not gonna happen), a couple of personal projects I'd hoped to finish up, laundry to fold.. and a two year old to get to bed.

That's right.

11pm and my terrible two year old is still bouncing off the walls.

Her sleep schedule has been out of whack all day.. she wasn't tired at her normal nap time, which meant she had a late nap (too late, obviously). We've been rocking, watching tv, talking, singing, and chilling for about three hours now.

Feels like three years.

And she is just as awake as she was three hours ago.

Did I mention Brad is out of town? This never happens when he's home.

I finally gave up.

Forget the "stuff I need to get done" list.

Morgan is wide awake, and cute.

So we had a little photo shoot while playing "hide".

She always peeks!

This was the one part of my day that went well - for these few minutes, I even managed to multi- task: I played with Morgan and took my picture of the day!

Because I'll always want to remember this day.. the day that never ends.

Trust me, it's not ending anytime soon here.

Right now, Morgan is squeezing her cheeks and pretending to be "chubby".. she even lowers her voice.

Oh boy.

This is gonna be a long night.

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